Studies at the "Llotja" School of Design and Art. Co-founder of the Bugambilia Workshop.
Despite having studied art specializing in ceramics, my complementary training in other disciplines (engraving, drawing, sculpture, painting) and the constant experimentation allows me to move comfortably between these different fields, always with a common denominator, the use of ceramics as a base language. Porcelain is the material chosen for my creative work, which have a clear influence of engraving and watercolour, looking for an emotional and sensitive dialogue between all its elements.
"The first sensation that Eulàlia Oliver's pieces give us is one of fragility. It is only an initial sensation. A more careful look allows us to read the qualities that each work, in isolation, gives off. The first perception is tactile, but not in the classical sense, that is, they do not invite to be touched - their apparent fragility keeps us away of doing it - but they show that someone has previously touched them ... And he has done so very carefully .... second sensation: lightness In the sense proposed by Italo Calvino to remove weight, not to leave a mark, as if the artist were working on the pieces, stripping the material, looking for what is inside, as a sculptor would do with the piece of marble. ... A final property of Eulàlia Oliver's works is their ability to delimit the space. To set milestones... "
(Màrius Domingo - Art critic)
Prix and awards:
Member of the International Academy of Ceramics (AIC), Member of the board of ACC-Associació de Ceramistes de Catalunya, Diploma "Maestra Artesana" awarded by the Generalitat de Catalunya, V Bienal Internacional de Cerámica del Vendrell Award, EXPOHOGAR Diploma, ArtFad Diploma, "CraftRoom" Award - FAD.
Individual and group exhibitions, national and international:
David Center Galery-Londres, Rufford Craft Centre – Nottinghamshire, Hipòtesi Galery-Barcelona, Biennal de Ceràmica d'Esplugues Angelina Alòs, Arnau Company room at Castell de Verdú-Verdú-Lleida, Biennal Internacional de Ceràmica del Vendrell, Second International Meeting Ciutat de Valladolid, La Carouge-Suïssa International Ceramics Competition, FAD, Galeria Camil-la Pérez Salvà, Musée National Adrien Dubouché - Limoges, Palais des Raïs - Alger, Molí Paperer de Capellades Museum - Capellades-Barcelona, Kyoto International Craft Center-Japan, Centre d'Artesania Gallery-Barcelona, El Raval d'Art Gallery- Tortosa-Tarragona, Cerco Exhibition-Saragossa, Xian Futo International Ceramic Museum-Xina, Alfolí de la Sal-Museum - l'Escala-Girona, Terrisa Museum - Quart-Girona. ACC Gallery
Work at:
Museu de Ceràmica del Vendrell, Museum of Palais des Raïs – Alger, DHUB-Museu del Disseny de Barcelona, FuLe International Ceramic Art Museum-Fuping (Xian - Xina), Musée de Carouge (Geneve - Switzerland)